Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Year of Meats: Chapter 9

After reading Akiko's fax to Jane, Jane gets into an argument with Kenji about what to do. 
"Oh my God.  He beats her."
"So she says."
"I knew he was evil."
"So you've said."
"Yeah. but I never imagined anything like this...."
"Takagi, I don't know whether you can take this at face value.  I mean this woman sounds slightly deranged to me."
I think I must have gasped.  He backed off a bit.
"What I mean is simply that a normal Japanese woman would never write a letter like this." (Ozeki 228)
I was completely shocked when I read this part of the book.  The fact that Kenji thinks that Akiko is "deranged" because she wrote that letter to Jane blows my mind.  How can anyone be deranged for writing a letter that talks about his or her personal life?  Deranged would be the last word I would use to describe Akiko; "Brave" sounds like a better description of her.

Moving on from Akiko, I thought that Kenji was the most racist, disgusting pig!  He essentially is saying to Jane that Japanese women should never talk about themselves to another stranger because they are suppose to be quiet and always obey their husbands.  Even though Akiko is writing to Jane about how she is getting beaten by John, Kenji seems to believe that that fact is not as important as keeping up with her role as an Asian wife!  It is unbelievable!  Asian women, despite traditions, should not always be quiet and submissive, especially when they are endangered!  The more I read this book and see these Asian stereotypes (especially of women) the less I like Asian men, or men in general. 

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