Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Perceptions of Asian American Students Website

This website goes to talk about the common model minority of Asian American students.  The ones being shy, nerdy, socially awkward foreigners who cannot speak English.  It goes further to explain the negative effects of such stereotypes.  This includes "psychological, emotional, and social costs for Asian American students, such as studying harder and longer, foregoing social life, enduring loneliness and alienation, and experiencing extreme depression and stress" (Zhang).  When people see an Asian American student, the first thing that comes to mind is usually the assumption that the individual is extremely smart and works hard.  From personal experience, this usually causes others to expect more from the Asian American individual, giving them much more pressure than to other people.

Zhang then goes on to explaining the effects of the stereotype that Asian Americans are poor-speaking foreigners, and thus are socially awkward.  She explains, "peer exclusion often happens to those who are perceived as outsiders or nerds with inadequate language, communication, and social skills. People are more likely to initiate friendship with those who are perceived as similar, good at self-disclosure, and having good social and communication skills" (Zhang).  Often in movies, we see Asian Americans being associated with the uncool crowd in school.  This is due to the fact that other groups view Asian Americans as people with completely different customs and habits.  The lack of similarities between Asians and other ethnic groups creates gaps in relationships.

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